
a quick note re: tumblr

some fic exists only on @therentyoupay-fanfiction (tumblr), which was wrongfully terminated by tumblr on August 4, 2023 and then re-instated a few days later. slowly but surely, i will transfer those drabbles, snippets, and mini pieces here. thank you so much for your patience and support. ♡

thank you for your patience as i take the time needed to put this site together! ♡

i have been writing since 2001, and had accumulated many fics and fic fanart since starting tumblr in 2012. little by little, i will rehome them here!


this master list of my jelsa fanfiction may have broken links, due to the wrongful termination of my tumblr account on august 4, 2023.

if you have a reblog of one of the fics listed below (or any others!), please share the link in the form above, so that i may store and share it properly. ♡ thank you!

so hey, yeah, i just realized how many jelsa AUs i’ve written??