
october 22, 2024

🖊️ fic (& more) status tracker


doctoral dissertation.

status: going well 👀
phase: data analysis and writing!
tentative defense date: february 2025.


more than you know. jelsa. frozen x rotg. ao3.

status: #kriscallicollab! FIC IS FINISHED. final chapter is done, currently undergoing beta-ing by callimara!

phase: currently prepping PART II of the youtube series! (see ao3, linked above, for all details.)


snow globe. jelsa. frozen x rotg. ao3.

status: part ii i ending up longer than i expected!!! this two-shot has, to no one’s surprise, extended into a three-shot. the ending is clear! it’s now a MULTI-CHAPTERED WIP eeeeee.

phase: part v of vi. updated june 6, 2024.

next chapter: 10% written.


that one night. tahnorra. lok. ao3. ( → transferred from ffnet)

status: one of the top priorities! now that i am in my 5th year of my phd program, i know for a fact that i will want to continue to work on this one while i dissertate, given that it’s a huge part of tahno and korra’s shared experiences. 😂 regular updates forthcoming!

phase: final arc.

next chapter: 50% written.


at the center. jelsa. frozen x rotg. ao3.

status: literally cannot believe that i’ve updated this fic for the first time in almost 6 years!!!! WE ARE ROLLING NOWWWWWWWW

next 5 chapters: various stages!!!

remainder of story: bits and pieces prepped and fully planned! 💕


technical difficulties. love!square. mlb. ao3.

status: hoping to finish in 2024!

phase: final arc.

next chapter: 35% written.