back to “school”
except my nine years of taking higher ed classes are OVER and i have entered the promised DisserLand ✨
back to school-ish
this week was a ‘soft launch’ back into the semester!!
emails, preliminary planning, prepping for some events… it’s like the calm before the storm, except it’s already sprinkling. 😂
i think everyone just collectively feels like we have to “go back to work” two-ish weeks BEFORE we actually have to go back to work because the anticipation is too much.
also, for the first time in my entire phd career, i actually feel properly rested after this summer (since i took a break from phd stuff for most of august and just focused on making as much money as possible the whole summer through OTHER non-academic channels). so like. I’M EXCITED TO GO BACK?
and it’s so refreshing that i will only need to commute only once every week or so. that’s the main game-changer. i can be excited about going because i will only go so few times this semester, so it’s a TREAT rather than a SLOG.
I AM READY, LET ME GO BACK. ✨ i want to finish this dissertation as soon as possible!!!
writing progress ✨
officially have written more for snow globe this month than what i wrote to finish frosted sea glass! such is the nature of writing two-shots, i guess!
✨ it's also very cool to see that on good days i tend to write ~3k words on the days in which i write! i'd never formally kept track before.
🔥 on a REALLY good day, i wrote 7500 words.
💪 on other days, i squeaked out only like 100-300 words, haha.
💤 and then i have let myself take some solid breaks after finishing frosted sea glass. on those days, i reread my favorite fics!
also, yesterday was a bit of a soft launch for me with getting back into the swing of the semester. (i will not, however, count any words written in emails. 🤣🫠🙃🙏 oof.)
you can also follow along with the word count (‘23-’24) tracker! i update it most days!
i’m not sure yet how much fic i’ll be able to write in the next few weeks as the semester ramps up, but i hope to be able to squeak out at least 100-200 words fo writing for fandom each day! a little bit is better than nothing! 🤞
hope y’all are doing well and whatever end-of-summer stuff you have lined up is going well. ✨ happy writing, all!! ♡