eternal summertime sadness!fic = complete
🌊✨just desperately trying to finish 8+-year-long WIPs
this was one of my tumblr sidebars back in the 2010s! 🥲✨ in honor of frosted sea glass!
eternal summertime sadness fic = complete ✨
even though frosted sea glass was actually lower on my “to write” list (behind finishing the snow globe two-shot for @aicosu and doing another chapter update for that one night), i was able to crank out TWO chapters (roughly 15-16k words) in like a matter of days this past week… and finish the thing once and for all. 💙🩵🌊✨
frosted sea glass was completed on august 10, 2023. 💪✨ roughly 8 years after it was first posted (to answer a tumblr prompt)!
i took the day off from writing yesterday (friday) to grab lunch with a friend/former co-worker from japan, who’d moved back to the states last october, and we spent the whole day out, so i didn’t add anything to the word counter. instead, i just basked in the satisfying glow of the specific vibe that can only come from completing an 8+-year-old WIP 😎🪭✨
up next —
my next project will be to finish and post part ii of snow globe and to post another chapter of that one night, especially in honor of the semester starting up in just a few weeks! 😉☕️✨
(also, i cannot believe it but pumpkin spice lattes are already available???
i don’t even want to smell a PSL until >50% of my tree leaves are multi-colored and the air is less than 60°F, please)
dissertation —
i’m not allowed to collect any data for my dissertation until after my proposal defense (which is currently scheduled for november-ish), and i’m still waiting on a round of feedback of the most recent paper i wrote (from which my dissertation is launching), so i don’t have anything critical for my dissertation process just yet! in the meantime, i’m still putting together my academic committee and staying apprised of the literature, but most of my focus is on seeing all my colleagues and friends and cohort again as everyone returns from summer-baby-sabbatical and kicks off autumn!
i’m so grateful to be in disserland. 😭 i only have to commute to campus once every two-ish weeks for most of the semester! otherwise i have the flexibility to work entirely from home, entirely on my research. 🥲🥲🥲 what a dream. 🩵✨
at the center —
ALSO. starting to gear up for the major re-read and completion of at the center!
someone responded to my tumblr post inquiry for potential betas, and we have tentatively set some prelim plans for later in the fall about beta-ing future chapters, particularly for consistency, plot points + hints + foreshadowing, etc.! i have a whole spreadsheet with all the interwoven links, and i will very much appreciate having another set of eyes to help manage it. GRACIAS, GRACE. ✨
back in the early 00s, i had like a team of three betas. 🤣🥲 (I HOPE THEY LOG BACK INTO TUMBLR/AO3 AGAIN SOON. i think we all collectively took years-long hiatuses from tumblr. 💕)
abigail (@dragonsinparis) is also a forever-beta, but she is also doing very cool things, like working toward getting her novel published!! 🤞✨ GO ABIGAIL GO.
“cleaning” day —
today (saturday) is a cleaning day, both mentally and physically. i’d like to continue transferring some stuff from my fic-only tumblr (@therentyoupayfanfiction) to this site… even though i got my account back, i’m still not comfortable with tumblr… i feel like i could lose everything with no warning again in just, like, a split second. 😅
today, i’d like to:
post something! a drabble? a ton chapter?
write at least like 500 words…
reply to all the fsg-chapter 12 comments on ao3! 🌊🩵✨