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🌊 beach day = mermaid!au writing session??
mermaid!au season. 🌊✨
this pattern is what i have been telling myself for years but 😂
i’ve always said that my writing is very seasonally-driven (seasons of climate, seasons of life), which i still think is very true.
one of the reasons why i have so many very nearly finished WIPs is because i only write certain stories with certain vibes when i can tap into that headspace. and there is no better time to write “mysterious angsty star-crossed summertime sadness mermaid!au” fic than the end of summer. 🌊✨
we were supposed to go to the beach yesterday but the night before that is when i realized that my tumblr account had been lost. 😅😅😅 i ended up staying up pretty late to salvage as much as i could, so yesterday’s day trip got postponed. 😂😅 today’s beach adventure was much much needed (and not only for frosted sea glass vibes and motivation, lol).
i’ll try to squeeze in at least one more beach day before i return to campus for the fall semester, which is in just a few weeks!! i’m so grateful to finally have reached the dissertation stage, as it means that i can primarily work from home. i’m also so fortunate that my colleagues and advisors are so understanding and accommodating of my commute and are allowing me to only come to campus only once every other week or so. 👏✨
already, i can feel ✨2015✨ vibes, in which i had worked three teaching jobs and did my master’s degree part-time while working—and to give myself breaks from all the academic reading and writing, i wrote like 150k words of fic. 😂 (primarily in the form of jelsa one-shots, lmao)
it’s a very specific creative headspace and I HAVE FELT ALL WEEK, existential tumblr crisis aside. 😂🫠🫠🫠
one of the pages that i’m saddest about losing in the tumblr debacle is the ✨2015✨ record-keeping of my writing productivity, fandom- and academia-wise. 🥲🥲🥲🥲 in its honor, and to optimize this ✨2015✨ headspace, i will make a special tracker here, to acknowledge the words i’ve written this year (2023-2024), starting from this month, august.
it would be lovely for everything to come full circle: all the fics i started writing in order to take a break from working on my master’s thesis (e.g., at the center) and my bachelor’s degree (e.g., that one night), getting finished and wrapped up by the time i complete my doctoral program and defend my dissertation. 😂🤞✨ it would help clear the way for me to start publishing original fiction and non-fiction—starting with my dissertation research!!
in the meantime, will i update the summertime sadness mermaid!au or the wintertime sadness mountain!au next? 😂😂😂😂 WE SHALL SEE.
as for my tumblr drama: still no word yet from tumblr support. 🥲🤞 i remain cautiously optimistic while also giving up all hope lol. i’ll e-mail them every 3 days until i hear a response. 😅😅😅😅🙏🙏🙏
thanks for your continued support everybody!! sun and sand (and chardonnay) helped mitigate the sting of Tumblr Termination™ 🥲🙏✨💕💕💕💕💕💕
happy writing!! 💕✨
in a shocking (SHOCKING) turn of events, i have yet again extended snow globe, and, as it turns out, i wrote 29,134 total words within 13 days (across a span of 133 days)… including writing 11,987 of those words solely on june 6th.