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dissertation, phd life, fic, goals therentyoupay dissertation, phd life, fic, goals therentyoupay


ya girl has earned her 2nd master’s degree and is about to rise into her 5th and final year of her ph.d. program—BUT FIRST. SUMMERTIME.

i finished my 4th (penultimate) year of my Ph.D. program and earned my second master’s degree and now i have ENTERED THE ZONE OF SUMMERTIME AND FIC WRITINGGGG (and dissertation too but i’m taking a baby break from that right now!)

written june 6, 2024 @ 2:14pm

greetings, my lovelies!

the last five months (january, february, march, april, and may) have been so rich with productivity, milestone accomplishments, and overall life happiness!

let’s first do a quick recap of my goals, which i posted in my last entry on january 6th:

  • master’s thesis (#2/in passing):

    • ✅ finish final revisions on my (second!) master’s thesis then send it to my advisor for final feedback (if applicable) and approval, so that i can apply to

    • ✅ graduate for my (second!!!) master’s degree for this spring

      • done!

  • prep hiring ad for potential research assistants so i can find my RA for the spring semester (last semester my RA was soo good and i got so spoiled, gah).

    • i ended up with 4 RAs by the end of the spring semester! 😂 some were… more efficient than others. but overall, all 4 of them contributed in some way to the success of my project, and they all learned quite a bit along the way!

  • write 1-pager invitation letters to my potential academic committee members asking them to serve on my dissertation committee, and send the letters to my advisor for feedback, approval, so she may send them to the committee invitees on my behalf and Cc me. (🤞 and hopefully they have the time and availability to accept! otherwise i have plans b and c, sigh.)

    • invited and accepted on the SAME DAY. so happy!! my advisor asked if they could keep a copy of my invitation letter as a template/guide/reference for her future advisees 💕💕💕

  • prepare slide decks for my dissertation defense proposal and rehearse the hell out of it. schedule said proposal defense/oral exam.

    • i did! i passed! i am ABD!

  • update my docs for the ethics board re: data collection updates for round two of data collection.

    • done!

  • prepare and rehearse for conference presentation: present my preliminary findings at the Big Conference (which includes making sure i got all my grant money!!) done!!!

    • my presentation went GREAT, i got all my grant money, and i got a lot of interest in my research from audience members (including NEW and NOVEL followers completely outside my typical professional circles!!), so i was so happy

  • ❓ pick which damn algorithm i will use for my cluster analysis.

    • i think i have…. maybe… THANK YOU SUNSHINE LIV. 💕💕

  • update non-fiction book along the way based on master’s thesis and dissertation study and everything else that cannot fit in an academic paper or journal article.

    • i was so inspired during my conference that i wrote the whole damn first chapter!

and then later (still on the list!!)!

  • prep manuscript for journal article based on the master’s thesis paper once it’s published in the repository and

    • i shall do this over the summer!

  • publish a few mainstream articles for general audiences as well, to share some findings with the rest of the world and potentially generate some concrete interest for publisher connections about the ✨need✨ for my book 👀

    • i shall do this over the summer!

  • collect new data, transcribe new data, code new data, analyze new data, and write about it 😂😅 / dissertation

    • yep, i gotta do this starting like next week 😂😂😂

some new goals for the summertime

fandom things:

  1. finish snow globe

  2. get closer to finishing that one night; it will be poetic if i finish it around the time that i defend my dissertation (tentatively scheduled for late February 2025!)

  3. post another arc for at the center

professional things:

  1. submit journal article manuscript

  2. complete data collection (and recruitment, therein) for dissertation study

  3. finish 50% of rough draft for nonfiction book

i have all of june, july, and most of august to get these things done!! all of the most expensive and most time-consuming adventures were completed this past month in may (traveling to cancún, family visits), so the rest of the summer is all about sleeping well, staying active, and being productive AF ✨✨✨

something that i will work on doing over the next week or so is getting my writing trackers updated and my word counts up-to-speed! i’ve been keeping track on various platforms (notes, scrivener) but while i was in the zone of Academic Land i didn’t always have time to open up this site and update the graphs. i shall rectify these figures soon! thank you for your patience, all!

thanks again, all, and happy writing!

she who is thriving and is entering the peak optimal zone of summertime productivity, and wishes the same for all of you,


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